5 Citizenship Levels
American State National
An American State National is either: (1) naturally born on the land and soil of an American State, such as Wisconsin, or (2) after being naturalized as a United States Citizen, is a foreign-born man or woman who voluntarily accepts and publishes their adoption of a specific American State as their permanent home and domicile.
State Citizen
State Citizens are State Nationals who undertake the obligations of Self-Governance in behalf of the State of the Union where they live. They occupy basic Offices of the State Government.
Federal United States Citizen
True Federal Citizens are called United States Citizens and they are considered, while employed by the Federal Government, to be Dual Citizens of their State and work directly for and are commissioned by The United States of America, the unincorporated Federation of States in control of the International Land Jurisdiction of this country and the nondelegated powers owed to the States in the International Jurisdiction of the Sea.
Territorial United States Citizen
Territorial United States Citizens are called U.S. Citizens to distinguish between them and United States Citizens. Territorial Citizens are now commonly Dual Citizens of the British Commonwealth and the Municipal United States, though they may opt to claim citizenship from another country entirely.
Municipal Citizen of the United States
Municipal United States Citizens are known as “citizens of the United States” and as “US CITIZENS” and include the members of the Federal Civil Service, and officers of the actual Municipal Corporation and its franchises and subcontractors which include the so-called Federal Agencies.
Recommended Resources
Citizenship Chart - pdf of the 5 different levels of citizenship, according to Anna Von Ritz, which goes into much more detail than that provided above.